Adams - Creamy Peanut Butter

Adams - Creamy Peanut Butter, 500 Gram



100% Natural Peanut Butter


Peanuts, Salt. Contains: Peanuts.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size per 1 tbsp
Calories 90
% Daily

Total Fat7g
9 %

Saturated Fat1.5g
8 %
+ Trans0g

Total Carbohydrate3g

Dietary Fibre1g
4 %
1 %



2 %

2 %

1 %

1 %

*5% is or less is a little,
15% or more is a lot
Product Number: 00051500700174

Often bought with

General Mills - Cheerios CerealGeneral Mills - Cheerios Cereal, 350 Gram$7.49
Silver Hills - Squirrelly Bread, Sprouted PowerSilver Hills - Squirrelly Bread, Sprouted Power, 600 Gram$6.49
LIBERTE - Greek 2%  Yogurt - PlainLIBERTE - Greek 2% Yogurt - Plain, 750 Millilitre$8.49was $8.99
Bonne Maman - Strawberry JamBonne Maman - Strawberry Jam, 250 Millilitre$6.49was $7.99
Quaker - Large Flake OatsQuaker - Large Flake Oats, 1 Kilogram$6.49
Adams - Crunchy Peanut ButterAdams - Crunchy Peanut Butter, 500 Gram$5.99
Rogers - Large Flake OatsRogers - Large Flake Oats, 1 Kilogram$5.49
Christie - Triscuit Low Sodium CrackersChristie - Triscuit Low Sodium Crackers, 200 Gram$4.99


100% Natural Peanut Butter
Product Number: 00051500700174

Often bought with

General Mills - Cheerios CerealGeneral Mills - Cheerios Cereal, 350 Gram$7.49
Silver Hills - Squirrelly Bread, Sprouted PowerSilver Hills - Squirrelly Bread, Sprouted Power, 600 Gram$6.49
LIBERTE - Greek 2%  Yogurt - PlainLIBERTE - Greek 2% Yogurt - Plain, 750 Millilitre$8.49was $8.99
Bonne Maman - Strawberry JamBonne Maman - Strawberry Jam, 250 Millilitre$6.49was $7.99
Quaker - Large Flake OatsQuaker - Large Flake Oats, 1 Kilogram$6.49
Adams - Crunchy Peanut ButterAdams - Crunchy Peanut Butter, 500 Gram$5.99
Rogers - Large Flake OatsRogers - Large Flake Oats, 1 Kilogram$5.49
Christie - Triscuit Low Sodium CrackersChristie - Triscuit Low Sodium Crackers, 200 Gram$4.99


The product information on this website may not be 100% accurate. Please check the product packaging information before consumption, especially if you have allergies or other health conditions. Store made products may contain other allergens due to potential cross contamination during handling.

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