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Grapes - Black Seedless, 1000 Gram, $13.18 avg/ea

Grapes are sold by bag approx 1KG equal to 1000 grams.

Grapes - Black Seedless, 1000 Gram
Grapes - Black Seedless, 1000 GramOpen product description
Final cost based on weight
$13.18 avg/ea$1.32/100g

Grapes - Green Seedless 1 Bag Approx, 1000 Gram, $10.98 avg/ea

Grapes are sold by bag approx 1KG equal to 1000 grams. One cup of green grapes contains 104 calories and 1.4 grams of fiber. Green grapes contain vitamins C and K.

Grapes - Green Seedless 1 Bag Approx, 1000 Gram
Grapes - Green Seedless 1 Bag Approx, 1000 GramOpen product description
Final cost based on weight
$10.98 avg/ea$1.10/100g

Grapes - Red Seedless, 1000 Gram, $10.98 avg/ea

Grapes are sold by bag approx 1 KG equal to 1000 grams. Each 1-cup serving contains only 62 calories and less than 1 gram of fat. Consuming red grapes provides your body with antioxidants.

Grapes - Red Seedless, 1000 Gram
Grapes - Red Seedless, 1000 GramOpen product description
Final cost based on weight
$10.98 avg/ea$1.10/100g