Grapefruit - 3Lb Bag, Fresh, 1 Each, $9.98
This citrus is known for its large sour to semi-sweet, sometimes bitter fruit. It's low in calories, helps your immune system, powerful in antioxidants, a great source in vitamin C & more!

Grapefruit - 3Lb Bag, Fresh, 1 Each, $9.98
This citrus is known for its large sour to semi-sweet, sometimes bitter fruit. It's low in calories, helps your immune system, powerful in antioxidants, a great source in vitamin C & more!
Grapefruit - Organic, Bag 4lb, 1 Each, $9.98
4lb Bag of Grapefruits. Packs fresh flavor into every juicy bite.
Grapefruit - Ruby Organic Bag, 1.81 Kilogram, $9.98
Grapefruit - Small, Organic, 1 Each, $3.98
Is a sour to semi-sweet somewhat bitter fruit that is an accidental cross between a sweet orange and a pomelo. The Grapefruit is a great source of Vitamin C.