Prawn - Spot Whole Fresh BC, 1 Kilogram, $89.90/kgPrawnAdd Prawn - Spot Whole Fresh BC to Favorites.Add Prawn - Spot Whole Fresh BC to Favorites.Prawn - Spot Whole Fresh BC, 1 KilogramOpen product descriptionFinal cost based on weight$89.90/kg$8.99/100gAdd to List
Shrimp - Skewers, 150 Gram, $6.64 avg/eaShrimpAdd Shrimp - Skewers to Favorites.Add Shrimp - Skewers to Favorites.Shrimp - Skewers, 150 GramOpen product descriptionFinal cost based on weight$6.64 avg/ea$4.43/100gAdd to List